
NOT NICE – Unapologetically Being Yourself (Dr. Aziz Gazipura)

NOT NICE – Unapologetically Being Yourself (Dr. Aziz Gazipura) – A few years ago, a friend of mind recommended a book to me. The name of the book is Not Nice and the author is Dr. Aziz Gazipura. It has become one of my favorite reads in the past 5 years or so and I go back to it often for reference when working with clients. If you’re struggling with people pleasing, staying silent, and other potentially negative limiting behaviors, check out this book – you won’t be disappointed.

Below, are a few thoughts inspired by my reading of Dr Gazipura’s book. Enjoy!


Thinking about personal and professional growth, it strikes me that one of the most transformative steps we can take is embracing authenticity. As Dr. Gazipura, author of “Not Nice,” eloquently puts it, “unapologetically being yourself” is not just a powerful statement, but a guiding principle for living a fulfilling life.

I named my business Headless Chicken Growth Group, knowing full well that there would be some eye rolls and double takes. I love it! I’ve yet to meet anyone, client or otherwise that didn’t want to hear more about how I came to the conclusion that naming a business Headless Chicken Growth Group was a good idea. I have golf tees with my headless chicken logo and hand them out to people I play with just to enjoy their reaction.

But the main reason I named it Headless Chicken is it was a chance for me to really “practice what I preach.”  I have a sense of humor. I like to laugh. I like people who have a sense of humor. And I think we can learn a great deal by making ourselves vulnerable and admitting that we can keep learning. Humor is authentic and lowers a lot of barriers to entry when it comes to growth in all facets of our professional and personal lives.

I have experienced and believe in the profound impact of authenticity on personal and professional success. So, in a thousand words or less (I’ll try at least) here are some thoughts on  Dr. Gazipura’s book and how many of his findings align with my coaching approach, empowering individuals to embrace their true selves and unlock their full potential.

Understanding Authenticity:

Dr. Gazipura emphasizes the importance of authenticity in his book, highlighting how societal conditioning often leads us to suppress our true selves in favor of fitting in or seeking approval. He writes, “When you can be yourself without fear or apology, you become truly powerful.” This sentiment resonates deeply with my philosophy at Headless Chicken Growth Group, where we believe that authenticity is the cornerstone of personal and professional success.

Embracing Vulnerability:

Central to the concept of authenticity is embracing vulnerability and being comfortable with our imperfections. Dr. Gazipura encourages readers to let go of the need to be “nice” at the expense of their true feelings and desires. He writes, “Authenticity requires vulnerability, but it also provides strength.” This idea underscores the importance of embracing our vulnerabilities as opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

Cultivating Self-Compassion:

In “Not Nice,” Dr. Gazipura emphasizes the importance of self-compassion as a key component of authenticity. He writes, “Self-compassion allows you to accept yourself fully, flaws and all.” At Headless Chicken Growth Group, we guide individuals in cultivating self-compassion as they navigate their personal and professional journeys. By embracing self-compassion, individuals can develop a deeper sense of self-acceptance and resilience in the face of challenges.

Overcoming Approval-Seeking Behaviors:

One of the central themes of “Not Nice” is the idea of breaking free from approval-seeking behaviors and reclaiming our autonomy. Dr. Gazipura writes, “Stop trying to get everyone to like you and start being yourself.” This powerful message reminds us that true fulfillment comes from embracing our authenticity, rather than seeking validation from others. At Headless Chicken Growth Group, we help individuals identify and overcome approval-seeking patterns, empowering them to live authentically and assertively.

Embracing Courageous Communication:

Authenticity often requires us to engage in courageous communication – expressing our thoughts, feelings, and boundaries with honesty and clarity. Dr. Gazipura writes, “Courageous communication means expressing yourself authentically, even when it’s uncomfortable.” This principle aligns with our coaching approach at Headless Chicken Growth Group, where we empower individuals to communicate assertively and authentically in both personal and professional contexts.

Embracing Your Own Authenticity

In “Not Nice,” Dr. Aziz Gazipura invites you to embrace authenticity as a pathway to personal empowerment and fulfillment. At Headless Chicken Growth Group, we wholeheartedly embrace this message, guiding individuals on their journey towards unapologetically being themselves. By cultivating authenticity, embracing vulnerability, practicing self-compassion, overcoming approval-seeking behaviors, and engaging in courageous communication, individuals can unlock their full potential and live a life aligned with their true selves. If you’re ready to embark on a journey of personal and professional growth rooted in authenticity, consider partnering with Headless Chicken Growth Group and experience the transformative power of embracing your true self.

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